In PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) students will explore a variety of topics about themselves and the world around them. While PSHE is not a graded or assessed subject, it is vital in equipping young people with the knowledge and skills they need to make positive choices and decisions and to keep themselves and others safe. They will learn about physical, mental and sexual health, prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination, British Values and democracy, drugs and alcohol, exploitation and consent, as well as the world of work, careers and finances. Lessons are typically discussion based and are intended to get students to think outside the box, challenge their own assumptions and help them to become well rounded citizens. PSHE lessons are also supported by:
- Talks and workshops facilitated by external providers
- Weekly themed assemblies
Assembly Rota – 2023-2024
- Assembly Rota 2023-2024 (421.14KB)