KS4 Subjects
Art & Design – GCSE
Students will produce work for the Art, Craft and Design title (1ADO/01/02) and be required to understand how a range of sources inspire the development of ideas.
Business Studies – BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Award in Business
Students will explore the key themes within the business world.
Child Development – OCR National
This qualification is for learners aged 14-16 who wish to develop applied knowledge and practical skills in child development. It is designed with both practical and theoretical elements, which will prepare students for further qualifications in Child Care, Health and Social Care, Psychology, Sociology and Biology.
Construction – NCFE
This qualification is suitable for learners aged pre-16 and above who wish to develop skills and knowledge in craft. This qualification aims to extend and further develop learners’ skills and to extend learners’ knowledge and understanding of the creative craft process.
English – Functional Skills
Functional skills levels 1 and 2 gives students an opportunity to demonstrate the ability to
communicate effectively in English and to be able to apply these skills to a range of purposes
in everyday life.
English – GCSE
English GCSE is a core requirement for all forms of further education. With a high grade,
there are opportunities to take English at A Level. It is a useful GCSE for cementing basic
literacy skills and wider writing and reading skills for life.
Hair and beauty – VTCT
Exam Board: VTCT Specification Number: C02A1/C02C1/C02A2/C02C2
What will be studied
Hairdressing and beauty therapy has been and remains an extremely popular vocational area that many young people are enthused by and aspire too. The aim of this qualification is to use the hair and beauty sector as a vehicle to develop learners more broadly, so …
History – GCSE
History is a great subject for any career. It demonstrates good communication skills,
academic ability and offers you to look at life from a range of viewpoints more effectively.
Hospitality – BTEC First Certificate
BTEC Firsts in Hospitality can help you take your first steps towards a career in events, catering or accommodation. You’ll learn essential skills such as planning and running an event, preparing and serving food and drink, and delivering first-class customer service.
Maths – GCSE
The subject content of this specification matches that set out in the Department for Education’s Mathematics GCSE subject content and assessment objectives document. This content is common to all exam boards.
Science (Biology) – GCSE
Through covering the 8 topics students will gain understanding of biological processes for all living things and develop a deeper understanding of how their own body works.
Sport – BTEC
Students will learn about the components of fitness which will relate to the methods of fitness and training. There will be the opportunity to carry out fitness tests and analysis of the results.
Part of the learning will be through practical sessions where students will focus on the technical and tactical aspects of sport. They will carry out peer and self assessment to delve deeper into practical sport performance.
Travel and Tourism – BTEC
This course provides a stimulating introduction into the world of travel and tourism, encouraging pupils to expand their knowledge of countries and cultures around the world.