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Everyone in the education service shares an objective to help keep children and young people safe by:

  • providing a safe environment
  • identifying children and young people who are  suffering or likely to suffer significant harm
  • taking appropriate action.

At the Links we are totally committed to securing this objective and promoting the health and welfare of all students. If staff see signs that suggest that one of our students may have been the victim of abuse (or is at risk of abuse) staff will follow the procedures laid down by the Area Child Protection Committee. N.B. Such action in no way infers that any parent/carer or other individual is being accused of wrongdoing.

When and what might I be concerned about?

At any time you may be concerned about information which suggests a child is being neglected or experiencing physical, emotional or sexual harm.

You may observe physical signs, notice changes in the child’s behaviour or presentation, pick up signs of emotional distress or have a child disclose a harmful experience to you.

Harm to a child can be caused by:

  • A parent/carer
  • A family member/friend
  • Another child
  • A stranger
  • A member of staff/volunteer

What should I do if the alleged abuser is a member of the school staff?

If your concern is about a staff member or volunteer, you should report this to the Head of School. If your concern is about the Head of School, you should report such allegations to the Chair of The Governing Body.


In line with this, regardless of the source of harm, you MUST report your concern.

Head of School: Mr Rice
Our DSP is: Ms Stagg
Our Safeguarding Trustee is: Mrs Thomson
Contact our DSP at:
Our Chair of Trustees is: Mrs Lynch
Contact them via: Mrs Shelford
Head of School’s PA