Exam Board: NCFE
Specification Number: (601/3232/2/CON)
What will be studied
This qualification is suitable for learners aged pre-16 and above who wish to develop skills and knowledge in craft. This qualification aims to extend and further develop learners’ skills and to extend learners’ knowledge and understanding of the creative craft process. It will enable learners to investigate creative enterprise and employment opportunities in the creative sector and provides a basis for progression onto further study.
The objectives of this qualification are to help learners to: use raw materials, tools and equipment in a safe and competent manner, develop analytical and research skills, evaluate their own work and develop ideas and learning through the craft process and develop an understanding of health and safety considerations in the craft environment.
Learning Methods
Learners will have time to explore a range of craft areas, before focusing on one to build and develop their skills, knowledge and understanding to sufficient depth. This allows them to prepare them for progression to further learning or employment. The unit ‘Investigating creative enterprise and employment opportunities’ provides learners with the time to consider their next steps and where they plan to progress to. Learners will develop enterprising skills and attributes and will produce a personal action plan to support their development and career aspirations.
Expectations of Students
learners must successfully demonstrate their achievement of all learning outcomes and assessment criteria of the units as detailed in this qualification specification.
How is the course assessed
Internally assessed and externally moderated portfolio of evidence:
M/506/2674 Use materials, tools and equipment to develop craft techniques (3 credits)
Guided learning hours: 20
Learners will explore different materials and develop an understanding of the visual and tactile qualities of them. They will develop their techniques for manipulation of different craft materials and develop the use of tools needed whilst ensuring that they observe the health and safety aspects of the materials, tools and techniques used.
K/506/2673 Investigate creative enterprise and employment opportunities (5 credits)
Guided learning hours: 40
Learners will research enterprises in their chosen craft area and understand what makes them successful. They’ll also explore employment opportunities, identify their own strengths and areas for development and devise an action plan to meet their career aspirations.
H/506/2672 Develop craft ideas (4 credits)
Guided learning hours: 30
Learners will research and compare sources and contexts to inspire their ideas for craft. Learners will have to opportunity to present their ideas to others to gain feedback on which to adapt or improve their idea. They will develop their ideas by researching, debating and adapting before selecting and justifying their final choice.
A/506/2676 Create, present and evaluate final construction item (3 credits)
Guided learning hours: 20
Learners will plan, produce and evaluate their own craft work. Learners will prepare the tools, materials and equipment required to produce their craft piece whilst maintaining a safe working environment. Learners will have the opportunity to display their finished piece in an appropriate way or setting for others to see. Learners will also evaluate the whole creative process and record any issues/challenges they faced and any areas for improvement.
What websites are recommended
What equipment is needed
Career Paths/Next Steps
NCFE Level 3 Certificate in Creative Craft
City and Guilds Level 3 Diploma in Craft Skills for Creative Industries: construction (carpentry and joinery, metal work, bricklaying, plasterwork, plumbing