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At Links Academy we offer Key Stage 3 students the opportunity to follow a very similar curriculum to mainstream schools.  Students will study English, Maths, Science, Art, Geography, History, PSHE, Design & Technology, Cooking and PE. The aim of this broad curriculum is to provide a firm foundation for learning upon which the young people can build as they transition back to mainstream school or into Key Stage 4.

Our Key Stage 4 students are provided with the opportunity for a personalised learning approach, with a range of academic and vocational courses being offered. Academic learning is balanced with work experience where relevant.

Key Stage 4 aims to support students as they make the transition from school to Post 16 education.  We recognise that students come from very different starting points and we are committed to maximising their opportunities and choices by the students knowing and understanding their strengths, needs, achievement and attainment.  Whilst the students reengage with their learning we are also committed to improving their attitudes, behaviour, social skills and attendance.

All our Key Stage 4 students follow a curriculum which enables them to achieve in English, Maths and Science and also gives them a personalised learning pathway for other academic and vocational qualifications including Child Care, Construction, Sport, History, Hair & Beauty, Music and Travel & Tourism.  This in turn enables them to access Post 16 education. Additionally, all students will be provided with the opportunity to sit Functional Skills English and Maths at Levels 1 and 2.

Although much of our time is spent on academic work, there is just as much emphasis on personal and social education. We are committed to fostering character in our students through teaching them the core values of respect, responsibility and resilience.  These skills will help to equip them for their long term futures.

One of the core values of Links Academy is to encourage students to reflect on the way they operate in school and society. We want our young people to try out new ways of approaching problems and develop their independence. If necessary we refer them to additional services that we feel will help to shape them into well rounded members of society who can carve out successful futures for themselves.

If you require further information about our curriculum offer please phone us on 01727 836150 or email us at