Exam Board: AQA
Specification Number: 8700
What will be studied
Paper 1 – Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing
Paper 2 – Writer’s Viewpoints and Perspectives
Non Assessed speaking endorsement
Learning Methods
There are a variety of approaches which start with teaching key skills that are useful across
both papers. These are skills such as PEE paragraphing and language feature analysis. These
build on skills taught in the Key Stage 3 English curriculum. Students will work with past
papers as well as other selected extracts to develop analysis and comparison skills. There is
an opportunity for independent and group work. Students will also write for a variety of
purposes and use a number of different stimuli to support them. Regular timed practice and
mock examinations will be used to provide bespoke and targeted feedback.
Expectations of Students
All students are expected to attain their forecasted grade as a minimum; it is hoped all
students will aim towards a minimum of a grade 4 which will secure a college application. All
students will be expected to work their hardest and complete home learning to facilitate
their understanding further. Students are expected to read independently to develop their
vocabulary and experience of Literature and Language.
How is the course assessed
Paper 1: 1 hour 45 minute written paper (extra time for students who qualify).
Paper 2: 1 hour 45 minutes written paper (extra time for students who qualify).
Internally assessed speaking endorsement
What websites are recommended
www.aqa.org – English Language 8700 GCSE
GCSE Bitesize English Language
What equipment is needed
All material is provided by the English Department.
Career Paths/Next Steps
English GCSE is a core requirement for all forms of further education. With a high grade,
there are opportunities to take English at A Level. It is a useful GCSE for cementing basic
literacy skills and wider writing and reading skills for life.